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Es nuestro objetivo que todos los maquetistas, sea el nivel que sea, puedan encontrar información útil aquí.

Le presentamos siempre los métodos más fáciles y baratos para obtener esta impresión y función sobrecogedor de su maqueta. Nos concentramos en métodos que se pueden aplicar sin destrezas artísticas previas. ¡Cada uno tiene que lograr!
Somos comercialmente independientes y tenemos la opción de presentar justamente los métodos y materiales que nos parezca más aptos para el proyecto. La mayoría de los otros actores siempre querrán promover sus propios productos y materiales, cualesquiera que sean. En este canal usted podrá encontrar actualizaciones y documentales de las mayores exposiciones y ferias del maquetismo ferroviario, pero también hermosos vídeos de maquetas.

Playlist including all the Landscape & Scenery tutorials
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Tutoriales de paisaje y entorno

Playlist including all the Landscape & Scenery tutorials
How to make ocean or lake water with wave effect low cost & EASY, using toilet paper and glue. Unlike many other methods, you don´t need to be an skilled artist to get a realistic water effect. Perfect for your model railroad / Railway, RPG miniature terrain, tabletop fantasy or diorama scenery.
How to make ocean or lake water with wave effect low cost & EASY, using toilet paper and glue. Unlike many other methods, you don´t need to be an skilled artist to get a realistic water effect. Perfect for your model railroad / Railway, RPG miniature terrain, tabletop fantasy or diorama scenery.
How-to video describing a realistic ballasting of tracks with integrated roadbed, such as Bachmann, Kato, Trix, Roco Geoline or Märklin M-track or C-track.
Ballasting Marklin M-rail for greater realism
Modelling the ultimate Black spruce tree in less than 20 minutes per each
How-to model realistic Pine trees using steel wire trunk and coffie grounds
Model realistic Aspen trees for H0-scale
Tutorial how to model some traditional Easter accessories for your model railroad or miniature terrain
Backdrops - Detailed guide DIY
Model grasstufts easy using a brush Gravel ground cover

Tutoriales de la casa y edificios

The mighty stone arch bridge
Model a dovetailed log cabin from scratch for your model railroad or diorama

Painting the small figures - Detailed guide DIY
Video tutorial how to model realistic gravel- or dirt roads easy and low cost
Planks tool
Model platforms concrete asfalt style in Styrofoam
Detailed guide how to model a beautiful railway station platform in wood

Ferromodelismo video

Layout tour of marklinofsweden 2018
Layout tourof Kalmar Model railroad club KMJK
Layout tour of the amazing WNJ Westergötland-Nerikes Järnvägar
Marklinofsweden layout update 2017
Video documentary of the layout Finspång owned and maintained by FMJK Sweden
Hässleholm HMJF Layout modelljärnväg

Ageing tutorials

Add realistic rust easy using PRO method
Weather with water colors
how to remove weathering made with colorbox colors

Technology (Analogue / Digital / Mechanics / Electronics / Tools)

Reduce track noice low cost
Build a simple Styrofoam cutter
how to overcome / fix a Märklin turnout- / switch motor 75491
How to set up the light over your model railroad, diorama or Miniature terrain to get the best appearence

Events and Exhibitions

Join me in celebrating 5 years with my new layout
Documentary from when the Swiss crocodile locomotive visited Sweden

Locomotiv video


Operations - More fun with your layout

Workorder sheet template (Zip-file)
(Save as.. and then un-zip file)

/ Martin T